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Veteran Assistance for Mesothelioma and Other Asbestos-Related Disease

Each state has a network of Veteran Service Officers dedicated to assisting veterans and/or their dependents with filing claims relating to a diagnosis of mesothelioma or other asbestos-related illnesses. These officers are often located in the county in which the veteran resides, and are responsible for walking them through the process necessary to file for service-related disabilities. Up to 90% of the claims received by the Veterans Administration each year are submitted through a County Veteran Service Office.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer related to asbestos exposure, asbestosis or pleural disease, a Veteran Service Officer may be able to assist you.

Following are listings of Veteran Service Offices/Officers by state, where this information is available. While accuracy has been insured to the best of our ability, the names of responsible parties, contact numbers or days or times of operation may change. In many offices, there may also be a number of Assistant Veteran Service Officers to assist you.

Alabama Kentucky North Carolina
Alaska Louisiana North Dakota
Arkansas Maine Ohio
Arizona Maryland Oklahoma
California Massachusetts Oregon
Colorado Michigan Pennsylvania
Connecticut Minnesota Rhode Island
Delaware Mississippi South Carolina
Florida Missouri South Dakota
Georgia Montana Tennessee
Hawaii Nebraska Texas
Idaho Nevada Utah
Illinois New Hampshire Vermont
Indiana New Jersey Virginia
Iowa New Mexico Washington
Kansas New York Wisconsin

More on info for veterans.


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